Ministry of Welcome

"Welcome one another just as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God." Romans 15:7

When we gather together for Mass, Christ is present. He is present in the priest standing ‘in persona Christi’. He is present in sacramentally, in the consecration of the bread and wine. We reverence and adore the Blessed Sacrament. He is present in the word of God. And he is present in all of us as a community of disciples of Jesus.

The Ministry of Welcome encourages all to know they have a place in in the celebration of the liturgy, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice of the Mass. The Ministry of Welcome asks us to remember and model the reverence towards our neighbour as a fellow temple of the Holy Spirit. Through the hospitality that we show others when we welcome them, we welcome the Lord Himself.

A Liturgical Ministry:

When people come to church, they experience not only the liturgy, but the people associated with the church. Ideally the experience should be positive. The members of the welcome ministry communicate a sense of belonging to the parishioners. They support all at Mass, and are an important extension of the church and our Catholic family.

They exemplify:

  • Both adults and children, new faces and old are treated equally well.
  • Kindness, reverence, positivity and dependability. They should be warm, engaging, welcoming beacons of Christ's love to strangers
  • Being aware of others, including those who are happy to attend church undisturbed.

Time commitment:

Ministers of Welcome arrive at least 30 minutes before mass to meet with the Priest and/or Sacristan and allow time for their own private prayers before mass. They fully participate in the Mass and stay until the dismissal, to ensure people leave safely. There is flexibility on the rota for Ministers of Welcome to offer between 1-4 Sundays a month.


  • Be identifiable.
  • Make all people coming to mass feel welcome – old and new parishioners, visitors and those with children.
  • Advise new parishioners with the procedures for registration with the Parish through the parish office.
  • Greeters should make those coming to mass aware of all the forms that are available at the back of the church and newsletter, becoming part of a ministry, recording onto a prayer list and gift aid.
  • Greeters should help people in need including the elderly, frail, and disabled and confirm with the priest if anyone needs extra help during communion.
  • After mass begins, greeters should sit near the back of the church so as they can take care of late arrivals and show them the empty seats available.
  • Ensure that extra chairs are provided, when needed.
  • Greeters should know mass etiquette, where to find all amenities, and be available to answer queries.
  • Where appropriate lead parishioners and visitors to hospitality in the Parish Hall.

A liturgical function is also exercised by: Those who… welcome the faithful at the church doors, seat them appropriately, and marshal them in processions.