Newsletter 5th November 2023

Will be held in each of our Parish Churches at 7:30PM on the following dates:
The Church of the Holy Name - Friday 10th November.
St. Augustine of Canterbury - Friday 17th November.
Our Lady Immaculate - Friday 24th November.
BLESSING OF GRAVES: Priests will be available
to bless graves on the following dates:-
Our Lady Immaculate and St Augustine of Canterbury churchyards - Sunday 5th November after 9am Mass.
Holy Name Churchyards, Sunday 5th Nov after 10:45 Mass.
Chelmsford Crematorium - Sunday 5th November between 3-4pm. Please meet in the car park off the Writtle Road.
Galleywood and Great Baddow Lawn Cemetery. Sunday 12th November at 2pm.
LINKED PARISHES CHRISTMAS FAYRE: SUNDAY 19th NOVEMBER. Our Christmas Fayre to raise much needed funds for our parish takes place in OLI school hall from 10am - 2.30pm. We are urgently in need of donations of good quality items and gifts, toiletries, raffle prizes, Christmas food for hampers, jewellery, bottles of alcohol & toys. Boxes to receive these have been left at the back of our churches. With many thanks for your generosity. Any enquiries please phone Anne on (01245) 257463.
QUIZ NIGHT HOSTED BY HOLY NAME LADIES GROUP: Quiz Night on Saturday 18th November at 7.30pm in the Canon Wilson Hall at the church of the Holy Name. Tickets will be on sale after all weekend Masses at Holy Name; price £5 each (children free). Please bring own drinks/nibbles. Raffle prizes.
PRIORY CHAPEL PRAYER GROUP: Every Wednesday in St Philip's Priory Chapel between 7:00pm and 7:45pm. Prayers, Litanies and devotions, all very welcome to attend.
ARTICLES FOR THE PARISHIONER MAGAZINE: Christmas Day edition. We would be very grateful for any contributions you might like to make, especially items of parish news, from yourself, our schools, parish organisations or any suitable articles, obituaries etc. All articles should be with the editor at by the 26th Nov. Many thanks.
ST JOHN PAYNE FOUNDATION GOVERNOR VACANCY: St John Payne secondary school currently has a vacancy for a voluntary Foundation Governor to join the school’s local governing body. Foundation governors must be practicing Catholics. In addition to working as part of the governing body team to promote high standards and opportunities for every child, they are appointed to ensure that the religious character of the school is preserved.
If you are interested in this role please contact the Parish Office for more information about how to apply.
THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: group meets for the first time in St Philip's Priory on the 9th November between 7:30-9pm. For more information see on our website at https://www.chelmsfordcatholic...
HOLY ROSARY OF THE CRUCIFIXION PRAYER GROUP: Meets every Wednesday in St Philip's Priory Chapel at 6:15pm. All are welcome to join us in praying this beautiful devotion.
RADIO MARIA ENGLAND: is a 24hr Catholic Radio Station set up to broadcast programmes promoting and expressing the Christian Faith. It aims to support Catholics and others in their spiritual life and witness to those who wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith. It is part of the World Family of Radio Maria, formed in 1998 in response to the apparitions and messages of our Lady in Medjugorje and Fatima. Radio Maria currently has 77 radio stations across 5 continents with 500 million listeners world-wide.Radio Maria England is a non-profit organisation run by a mixture of professionals and volunteers, lay people, clergy and religious. Listen Live on DAB or via the web at
RISE UP! A Day of Renewal in the Holy Spirit - organised by the Charismatic Renewal in East Anglia, is taking place at St Mark's RC Church, 180 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich, IP2 0QQ on Saturday 11th November. Starts at 10.00am with Mass, ending at 4.30pm. The day will include teaching, prayer, Adoration and praise and worship. The speaker is Fr Simon Penhalagan, a priest of the Northampton Diocese. After ordination in 2008, he ministered with Sion Community for ten years before becoming a full time parish priest. He is now serving as Dean at Northampton Cathedral. Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch. No booking required. Clare Fox: 07906523496 for more information.
Walsingham House available for day groups: Walsingham House at Abbotswick is a beautiful setting for days of reflection, retreats or meetings. They are open to accept bookings for day groups on Wednesdays – Saturdays. For more information or to make a booking please email the Hospitality Manager, Issy, at
FOR CURRENT VACANCIES IN BRENTWOOD DIOCESE: Across the schools and departments please see: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood...
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical help and support where possible for those who need it. Are you lonely, in need of help, or do you know someone who is? If so, contact us on 07876 551150 to arrange a visit. All calls are completely confidential.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or member of the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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