Newsletter 12th November 2023

MASSES FOR DECEASED LOVED ONES: will be held in each of our Parish Churches at 7:30PM on the following dates:
St. Augustine of Canterbury - Friday 17th November.
Our Lady Immaculate - Friday 24th November.
BLESSING OF GRAVES AT LAWN CEMETERY: Priests will be available to bless graves at Galleywood and Great Baddow Lawn Cemetery on Sunday 12th November at 2pm.
LINKED PARISHES CHRISTMAS FAYRE – NEXT SUNDAY: 19th NOVEMBER – 10am til 2.30pm in OLI school hall. PLEASE do come along to buy your Christmas presents, have a breakfast of bacon roll or delicious homemade soup, meet your fellow parishioners & enjoy the fun! All monies raised will go to much needed Parish funds. Donations of Christmas food, toiletries, new items & bottles for the bottle stall can still be left in the boxes at the back of our churches or brought in to OLI church hall on Friday 17th November.
Donations of cakes for the cake stall would also be gratefully received! Looking forward to seeing you there! Any enquiries please phone Anne on (01245) 257463.
QUIZ NIGHT HOSTED BY HOLY NAME LADIES GROUP: Quiz Night on Saturday 18th November at 7.30pm in the Canon Wilson Hall at Holy Name Church. Tickets on sale after all weekend Masses at Holy Name; price £5 each (children free). Please bring own drinks/nibbles. Raffle prizes to be won.
OLI PLAYGROUP CANCELLED MONDAY 13th NOVEMBER: There will be no playgroup due to the school INSET day on Monday the 13th November. Happily it will be back as usual the following week on the 20th November.
Articles for the Parishioner Magazine: Christmas Day edition. We would be very grateful for any contributions you might like to make, especially items of parish news, from yourself, our schools, parish organisations or any suitable articles, obituaries etc. All articles should be with the editor at by the 26th Nov. Many thanks.
SVP SPRINGFIELD CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE APPEAL: We will be making our appeal for Christmas gifts for the children of our SVP supported families on Sunday 19th November at St Augustine of Canterbury Church. There will be gift tags on the tree for you to buy a gift up to £15 per child. All gifts should be returned to the Box after Mass by the 10th December. Many thanks to you all once again for your continued support of this Appeal and for supporting the work of SVP Springfield Conference.
PARISH CHRISTMAS DRAW: Our Parish Christmas Draw will take place on Friday 8th December. Please return counterfoils with the money in an envelope and place in the Sunday collection plate or return to the Parish Office. With many thanks!
SCHOOL ADMISSIONS - CERTIFICATE OF CATHOLIC PRACTICE FORMS: Fr Martin will be signing the ‘Certificate of Catholic Practice’ forms in Our Lady Immaculate Church between 17:30-18:30 on Thursday 14th December 2023 and Tuesday 9th January 2024. He will have the Certificate of Catholic Practice forms available, if families could please bring their child's baptism certificate with them.
ADVENT TALK ON THE PROPHET ISAIAH: In preparation for the beginning of Advent Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest of Gidea Park and Scripture scholar, will be giving a talk on the Prophet Isaiah at 7 pm on Wednesday 29th November in the parish hall at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park, RM2 6DH. The talk is free and is in person, and it will also be live-streamed on No booking necessary. A recording of the talk will be made available subsequently on the same website.
BCYS SUMMER LOURDES YOUTH PILGRIMAGE – July 2024: Bookings are now open online for the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service pilgrimage to Lourdes in July. Exact Dates TBC. The week is spent serving the main Diocesan pilgrimage, assisting the elderly and infirm, alongside times of retreat, reconciliation, visiting the baths, taking part in the beautiful Processions, an afternoon in the mountains, party and social nights - all with other young Catholics from our Diocese. The pilgrimage is open to all those in school year 10 – 13, with all those of school leaver age (18+) invited to join us as young leaders (subject to attending a training weekend). Further details and applications at
TUESDAY FRIENDSHIP CLUB: Meets every Tuesday in the Parish Hall after the 12:30 Mass. All very welcome to come and meet friends old & new, and enjoy plentiful refreshments.
HOLY ROSARY OF THE CRUCIFIXION PRAYER GROUP: Meets every Wednesday in St Philip's Priory Chapel at 6:15pm. All are welcome to join us in praying this beautiful devotion.
PRIORY CHAPEL PRAYER GROUP: Every Wednesday in St Philip's Priory Chapel between 7:00pm and 7:45pm. Prayers, Litanies and devotions, all very welcome to attend.
FOR CURRENT VACANCIES IN BRENTWOOD DIOCESE: Across the schools and departments please see: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood...
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical help and support where possible for those who need it. Are you lonely, in need of help, or do you know someone who is? If so, contact us on 07876 551150 to arrange a visit. All calls are completely confidential.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or member of the Legion of Mary can visit you.
FOR CURRENT VACANCIES IN BRENTWOOD DIOCESE: Across the schools and departments please see: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood...
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical help and support where possible for those who need it. Are you lonely, in need of help, or do you know someone who is? If so, contact us on 07876 551150 to arrange a visit. All calls are completely confidential.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or member of the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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