Newsletter 12th May 2024

PENTECOST BIDDING PRAYER READERS: If you would like to read a bidding prayer in Mass in your native language alongside the First Holy Communion Children at Pentecost, please contact the Parish Office.
ALPHA YOUTH THANK YOU: To everyone who supported the youth Alpha Programme with donations of their time, talents, prayer and financial support. The feedback from the young people from across Chelmsford was so positive, and clearly a joy filled part of their own faith journeys. Thank you.
LEGION OF MARY HOUSE ROSARY: Two members of the Legion of Mary will be happy to visit your home to say a rosary with your family during May. If you would like a visit there are sign up sheets at the back of churches or contact the Legion of Mary via the Parish Office.
St Patrick’s Way Pilgrimage 2025: The Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre are organising a pilgrimage on 22-27 April 2025. We will be journeying along the newly-established St Patrick's Way in the North of Ireland. The pilgrimage is open to all faiths and none and is aimed at being accessible to everyone - walkers and non-walkers. If you are interested in joining us, please find further details and booking form on our website or email Closing date: 10 May 2024.
PENTECOST PRAYER NOVENA: There will be 24/7 prayer running from 2pm on Sunday 12th May to 10pm on Saturday 18th May at the Sion Community Chapel. You are welcome to join us any time from 6am to 12 midnight. It would be very helpful if you could book an hour slot in the prayer room by visiting this link: or you can join us for Praise & Worship at 8pm which is taking place each evening. We look forward to welcoming you for this special prayer time.
How Beauty Draws Us Closer to God LECTURE: With Fr Patrick van der Vorst at 7 PM, Friday, 17th May 2024 St Patrick's Church, Soho Square, London. Fr. Patrick van der Vorst is a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster, and the founder of the evangelistic initiative www.Christian.Art. Fr. Patrick will explore how beauty elevates us to encounter the Divine. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A and refreshments will be available. All Welcome.
CAMINO DE SANTIAGO PRAYER INTENTIONS: A Parishioner is walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral and is happy to take with him any special prayer intentions. Please contact the Parish Office by Friday 17th May and in your charity pray for his safe travels departing on Saturday.
‘Revive; Discover; Empower’ a young adults retreat: Walsingham House are hosting a young adults retreat on the weekend of 22nd – 23rd June. The retreat is open to those who are 19+. It will be a weekend of prayer and friendship and a wonderful opportunity to take a break from work or university. The cost of the retreat is £45, more information,can be found at
Retreat Manager for Walsingham House at Abbotswick: Walsingham House are seeking to appoint a Retreat Manager for Walsingham House. The Retreat Manager will work to ensure the smooth and efficient running of retreats and leading the volunteer team. This is a live in position and ideal for someone with previous experience in youth ministry.
Programme Leader for Walsingham House at Abbotswick: Walsingham House are seeking to appoint a Programme Leader. The successful applicant will work alongside the Retreat Manager helping to lead retreats for the schools and parishes of our diocese.
Full details, including background information and how to apply for both of the above posts can be found at The closing date is Friday 24th May.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN AN ELECTION YEAR: On Saturday 15th June Raymond Friel OBE, CEO of Caritas Social Action Network, will lead a Study Day, reflecting on Catholic Social Teaching and what the Church says about democracy and voting. Talks will be at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park (RM2 6DH). Coffee will be available from 10.30 am and the talks begin at 11 am, and conclude by 2 pm. This is an in-person event, also available online at If you intend to be present please email Please bring a packed lunch. No booking necessary for online participation. Simply go to the website. Talks available on the website after the event.
Walsingham House Anniversary Mass: On the 31st August at Walsingham House at Abbotswick. Celebrate 40 years of team at Walsingham House with us, beginning with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan at 12pm followed by celebrations at our beautiful retreat house just outside Brentwood. All very welcome to attend.
SVP MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT OFFICER - BRENTWOOD CENTRAL COUNCIL: the organisation looking after all SVP conferences within Brentwood and East London is looking for a Membership Support Officer (Paid part time position based in East London), a Secretary (with MS office skills- voluntary position) and an activities coordinator (voluntary position) as well as Youth Camp volunteers (no experience required) for the Summer camp in Mersea early August . If you are interested please contact Eve-Victoria on 07876 551150
World Community of Christian Meditation Group: meets at 8pm on Mondays. Please contact Val via the Parish office for more information or email her on All very welcome.
ALPHA YOUTH THANK YOU: To everyone who supported the youth Alpha Programme with donations of their time, talents, prayer and financial support. The feedback from the young people from across Chelmsford was so positive, and clearly a joy filled part of their own faith journeys. Thank you.
LEGION OF MARY HOUSE ROSARY: Two members of the Legion of Mary will be happy to visit your home to say a rosary with your family during May. If you would like a visit there are sign up sheets at the back of churches or contact the Legion of Mary via the Parish Office.
St Patrick’s Way Pilgrimage 2025: The Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre are organising a pilgrimage on 22-27 April 2025. We will be journeying along the newly-established St Patrick's Way in the North of Ireland. The pilgrimage is open to all faiths and none and is aimed at being accessible to everyone - walkers and non-walkers. If you are interested in joining us, please find further details and booking form on our website or email Closing date: 10 May 2024.
PENTECOST PRAYER NOVENA: There will be 24/7 prayer running from 2pm on Sunday 12th May to 10pm on Saturday 18th May at the Sion Community Chapel. You are welcome to join us any time from 6am to 12 midnight. It would be very helpful if you could book an hour slot in the prayer room by visiting this link: or you can join us for Praise & Worship at 8pm which is taking place each evening. We look forward to welcoming you for this special prayer time.
How Beauty Draws Us Closer to God LECTURE: With Fr Patrick van der Vorst at 7 PM, Friday, 17th May 2024 St Patrick's Church, Soho Square, London. Fr. Patrick van der Vorst is a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster, and the founder of the evangelistic initiative www.Christian.Art. Fr. Patrick will explore how beauty elevates us to encounter the Divine. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A and refreshments will be available. All Welcome.
CAMINO DE SANTIAGO PRAYER INTENTIONS: A Parishioner is walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral and is happy to take with him any special prayer intentions. Please contact the Parish Office by Friday 17th May and in your charity pray for his safe travels departing on Saturday.
‘Revive; Discover; Empower’ a young adults retreat: Walsingham House are hosting a young adults retreat on the weekend of 22nd – 23rd June. The retreat is open to those who are 19+. It will be a weekend of prayer and friendship and a wonderful opportunity to take a break from work or university. The cost of the retreat is £45, more information,can be found at
Retreat Manager for Walsingham House at Abbotswick: Walsingham House are seeking to appoint a Retreat Manager for Walsingham House. The Retreat Manager will work to ensure the smooth and efficient running of retreats and leading the volunteer team. This is a live in position and ideal for someone with previous experience in youth ministry.
Programme Leader for Walsingham House at Abbotswick: Walsingham House are seeking to appoint a Programme Leader. The successful applicant will work alongside the Retreat Manager helping to lead retreats for the schools and parishes of our diocese.
Full details, including background information and how to apply for both of the above posts can be found at The closing date is Friday 24th May.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN AN ELECTION YEAR: On Saturday 15th June Raymond Friel OBE, CEO of Caritas Social Action Network, will lead a Study Day, reflecting on Catholic Social Teaching and what the Church says about democracy and voting. Talks will be at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park (RM2 6DH). Coffee will be available from 10.30 am and the talks begin at 11 am, and conclude by 2 pm. This is an in-person event, also available online at If you intend to be present please email Please bring a packed lunch. No booking necessary for online participation. Simply go to the website. Talks available on the website after the event.
Walsingham House Anniversary Mass: On the 31st August at Walsingham House at Abbotswick. Celebrate 40 years of team at Walsingham House with us, beginning with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan at 12pm followed by celebrations at our beautiful retreat house just outside Brentwood. All very welcome to attend.
SVP MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT OFFICER - BRENTWOOD CENTRAL COUNCIL: the organisation looking after all SVP conferences within Brentwood and East London is looking for a Membership Support Officer (Paid part time position based in East London), a Secretary (with MS office skills- voluntary position) and an activities coordinator (voluntary position) as well as Youth Camp volunteers (no experience required) for the Summer camp in Mersea early August . If you are interested please contact Eve-Victoria on 07876 551150
World Community of Christian Meditation Group: meets at 8pm on Mondays. Please contact Val via the Parish office for more information or email her on All very welcome.
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical help and support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 07876 551150. All calls are completely confidential.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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