Newsletter 2nd June 2024

CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION: We are excited to announce the upcoming Corpus Christi Procession this Sunday 2nd of June after the 12 Noon Mass in Our Lady Immaculate. Your help and participation will be greatly appreciated, witnessing our faith together.
‘REVIVE; DISCOVER; EMPOWER’ A YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT: Walsingham House are hosting a young adults retreat on the weekend of 22nd – 23rd June. The retreat is open to those who are 19+. It will be a weekend of prayer and friendship and a wonderful opportunity to take a break from work or university. The cost of the retreat is £45, more information can be found at Please contact the Parish Office if you would like help with funding.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN AN ELECTION YEAR: As the General Election approaches, on Saturday 15th June, Raymond Friel OBE, CEO of Caritas Social Action Network, will speak on Catholic Social Teaching and what the Church says about democracy and voting. The talks will be held at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park (RM2 6DH). Coffee will be available from 10.30 am and the talks begin at 11 am, and conclude by 2 pm. This is an in-person event, also available online at
WALSINGHAM HOUSE ANNIVERSARY MASS: On the 31st August at Walsingham House at Abbotswick. Celebrate 40 years of team at Walsingham House with us, beginning with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan at 12pm followed by celebrations at our beautiful retreat house just outside Brentwood. All very welcome.
Girls' Clothes-aged 7 and 12 years
Boys' Clothes-aged 9 and 10 years
Men's XXL- T Shirts/jumpers
48" Waist/40" Leg -trousers/tracksuit bottoms/jeans (M For Male aged 30 years)
Double Buggy-(side by side) - for infant and 3 year old.
If you are able to help please email to arrange pickup or drop off to or contact the Parish Office.
HOLY NAME SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS: We are delighted to have been able to donate £352 from donations given on a Sunday to help our young people going to Lourdes later this year. Thank you to all.
FR MARTIN'S 30th ANNIVERSARY OF HIS ORDINATION MASS AT NEW HALL SCHOOL: Keep the date free. All from the Chelmsford Linked Parishes are invited to attend Mass at New Hall School at 4:30pm on Sunday the 30th June. Light refreshments will be available after the Mass. More details to follow.
INTERESTED IN THE PRIESTHOOD?: The next “Enquirers’ Evening” for those considering or interested in a vocation to the priesthood is on Tuesday 4 June at Brentwood Cathedral. The speaker will be Fr Dan Mason. For further information please contact Fr Mark Swires:
NEXT YOUTH MASS, Thursday 6th June 2024: in Brentwood Cathedral. The Cathedral and Parish Hall will be open for you to socialise, pray and celebrate Mass with us, or pop in for a break from revision, change of scenery or quiet personal prayer. Pizza from 6pm in the Parish Hall, Mass at 7:30pm in the Cathedral. If you would like help with transport to the Youth Mass, please speak to the Parish Office.
BCYS SUMMER LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: 20th – 27th July 2024: There are a handful of last minute places available if anyone in school year 10+ still wishes to join this pilgrimage with the BCYS. Full details on the pilgrimage and applications at or email
THE GENERAL ELECTION: This week the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have launched a set of informative resources to help us think about our election choices. It covers pro-Life issues as well as the criminal justice system, education, poverty, the environment, refugees and migrants. The Bishops remind us: “We are not merely the passive recipients of politics but active citizens.” The resources include suggested questions for candidates, links if you want to go deeper, and actions we can take to make a difference. You will find everything at:
SION 'MARANATHA' EVENT: With Mass celebrated by Fr. Paschal Uche, followed by Prayer and Praise, will be held at Sion Community, Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood, CM15 9BX on Thursday, 20th June at 7pm. All welcome."
THE ST JOHN BOSCO CHILDREN'S CAMP: is now open for bookings! Children age 9 – 12 can enjoy an amazing week, packed with fun activities, including many sports, from 27th July – 3rd August. The Camp is a special work of Caritas Diocese of Brentwood and this year there is space for just 100 children – book early! All details are, including booking information and an FAQ section for parents.
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 0207 703 3030 or via the Parish Office. All calls are completely confidential. If you would like to donate furniture or are in need, please contact the SVP furniture project on 0330 0436474.
FOR CURRENT VACANCIES IN BRENTWOOD DIOCESE: Please see: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood......
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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