Newsletter 21st July 2024

Youth 2000 Summer Festival 2024: takes place from Friday 23rd August - Monday 26th August 2024 in the beautiful surroundings of Ampleforth Abbey, North Yorkshire. This festival is an opportunity for young people (aged 16-35) from across the UK to grow in their relationship with God, form friendships and be inspired to live out their faith! Tickets (which include food and accommodation) can be purchased from Tickets are also available for priests, religious, families and groups. If you have any questions, please email
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION NEW HALL PHOTOS AND CERTIFICATES: Memory sticks with the photographs from the New Hall celebration will be available to pick up from the Parish office from Monday the 8th July. For those who were unable to attend the New Hall Celebration Mass, certificates are also available to be collected from the Parish Office or please email if you would like them to sent out to homes.
"Adoremus” Festival at Oscott College: On Saturday, 14th September at Oscott College in Birmingham, the “Adoremus” National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage is taking place with representatives from dioceses across England and Wales. Our diocese has been allocated 43 places. There will be a coach leaving for the Congress from Brentwood Cathedral at 8am on the day. There is no charge for the coach or attending the Congress but you will need to bring a packed lunch. If you would like to attend please contact the Diocesan Co-ordinator, Father Dan Mason at
THE PARISHIONER - REQUEST FOR ARTICLES: Our next edition of the The Parishioner Parish magazine comes out in September. We would be very grateful for any contributions you might like to make, especially items of parish news, from yourself, our schools, parish organisations or any suitable articles, obituaries etc. All articles should be with the editor at by the 11th August. With many thanks.
HOPE IN CHELMSFORD: 24th-28th July 2024. Churches together in Chelmsford: Invite you to join them for a Street Mission in town. See posters in our churches or contact Sr. Clare directly or via the Parish office for more details. This is an opportunity to join with our Christian brothers and sisters to spread the Good News of the Gospel with all.
Walsingham House Anniversary Mass: This year marks 60 years since the opening of Walsingham House and 40 years since the first volunteer team took residence. There will be a Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday 31st Aug at Noon celebrated by Bishop Alan in the grounds of Walsingham House at Abbotswick. Everyone is very welcome to attend with a special invite to all who have been part of the Walsingham House team over the last 40 years. After Mass you are welcome to stay for a picnic in the grounds.
ADOREMUS NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS FESTIVAL AND PILGRIMAGE: On Saturday, 14th September at Oscott College in Birmingham is taking place with representatives from dioceses across England and Wales. Our diocese has been allocated a limited number of places for this event. If you would like to attend please contact the Diocesan Co-ordinator, Father Dan Mason at by the 1st August. There will be a coach leaving for the Congress from St Edward’s Church, Romford (RM1 4AT) at 8am on the day. There is no charge for the coach or attending the Congress but you will need to bring a packed lunch.
For more information please visit the Adoremus page on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference website: Adoremus at Oscott - Catholic Bishops' Conference (
Walsingham House Retreat Manager: Walsingham House at Abbotswick, the youth retreat centre for the Diocese of Brentwood, are seeking to appoint a Retreat Manager. The Retreat Manager will work to ensure the smooth and efficient running of retreats, leading and training the volunteer team, and developing the programmes on offer to schools and parishes. Walsingham House has an excellent reputation for the quality of the retreats offered and after a year to rebuild we are keen to develop this further. This is not necessarily a “live-in” role but accommodation can be provided if required. For more information please see: Closing date is Friday 30th August.
OUR THANKS TO MRS ROCHE: Our prayers and very best wishes go with Mrs Lesley Roche as she continues her inspiring vocation to teaching. We have been blessed by her devotion to her Catholic faith and leadership of Our Lady Immaculate Primary school.
Our additional thanks to all our Parish School communities, students, pupils and staff. We pray for families in this holiday period and wish everybody a joyful and blessed summer break.
KEEP THE DATE - FR PASCHAL'S LEAVING CELEBRATION: Saturday 31st August in Holy Name after the 6pm Mass. We also wish Fr Paschal a very Happy Birthday for this Monday whilst in Lourdes.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS: will be held immediately following the 10:30 am Mass on Saturday, 27 July at Our Lady Immaculate church. All very welcome.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY IN OUR LADY IMMACULATE: This weekend is the final weekend of children's liturgy before the summer break. It will recommence in September. A very big thank you on behalf of the Priests of the Parish for all those involved.
The 14th Annual GK Chesterton Pilgrimage: will take place on Saturday 27th July, please send any prayer requests to; or text them to 07795205114. Details of the many different ways in which you can be involved on the day, as well as printable GKC prayer cards can be found on www.CatholicGKChestertonSociet...
Thank You to all for raising £1300 for the Familia orphanage at the event in St Augustine. It was a joyous well supported evening. A special thank you to Cily and the team for their organisation.
LUNCHTIME RECITAL BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL: Wednesday 24th July at 1pm all are invited you to a really special Lunchtime Piano Recital to be given by Paul Bateman and Roderick Elms. This is a unique opportunity to hear Rachmaninoff’s Suites for Two Pianos in which our instrumentalists will no doubt be working in perfect harmony to bring us this splendid music!
Saint Augustine of Canterbury SVP Conference: will be holding an appeal for help with their annual summer activities next Sunday on the 28th July at the 9am Mass, at Saint Augustine’s, Springfield. Thank you in advance for any way you can help, and please contact Veronica Crittall in person or via the Parish Office.
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 0207 7033030, 07936 579230 or via the Parish Office. All calls are completely confidential. If you would like to donate furniture or are in need, contact the SVP furniture project on 0330 0436474.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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