Newsletter 23rd March 2025

First Reading: Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15
Responsorial Psalm 103 "The Lord is compassionate and gracious"
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6,10-12
Gospel: Luke 13:1-9
Mondays at 7pm in Holy Name ChurchFridays at 12:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church
Fridays at 7pm in Blessed Sacrament Church
Saturdays at 11:30am in St Augustine of Canterbury Church
"We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world."
ST AUGUSTINE'S 200 CLUB: We will be collecting for next years 200 Club over Lent, starting this Sunday. We had over 150 shares taken last year so we would like to get the number over 200 this year. Please see Chris to give cash or cheques at Mass one Sunday, or pay directly to our bank account. For more details speak to Chris Thompson or e-mail
HOLY NAME LADIES' GROUP EASTER RAFFLE: to raise funds for any future needs in the Parish. Tickets will be on sale before and after all weekend Masses beginning this weekend. The draw will be on 13th April (Palm Sunday) after 10.30 Mass in Canon Wilson Hall.
ST JOHN PAYNE LENTEN SERVICE: Wednesday, 2nd April 2025, at 6:00 PM. The service will take place at St John Payne Catholic School, Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 4BS. For more information, please contact Katy Adams (Chaplain) at We hope to see you there!
FOODBANKS IN OUR CHURCHES DURING LENT: Our collection for foodbank items this Lenten season has begun. Thank you so much for your generosity this Lenten season, it helps directly those in need in the local community. For more information about items needed please see the leaflets in church or on our Parish website. In St Augustine we continue to support the Little Free Pantry.
LENTEN LECTURES : Continue on Monday evenings at 7pm in New Hall School - the talks are on the theme of "Pilgrims of Hope and Love of the Stranger." The next talk on the 24th March the talk is by Mr David Madge on 'Pilgrims of Paint: A Journey Through The Supper at Emmaus in Art' It is in New Hall Barn, near to the southern exit, to the right of the main building. Refreshments are provided beforehand. For more information on upcoming talks please see the Parish website and posters in Church.
At Brentwood Cathedral on Wednesday evenings there are talks beginning at 7:30pm on the theme of 'Those Who Believe Don't Leave.' This week on the 26th March the speaker is Bishop Alan on "The Eucharist & Our Blessed Lady"
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING IN ST AUGUSTINE: We would be delighted to welcome any children who have made their First Holy Communion and would like to altar serve at Masses in St Augustine to come to altar server training at 10:30am on Saturday 29th March. If you would like to attend, please let Ben Hitchen know or speak to the Parish Office.
DEVOTIONS TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: will take place immediately following the 10:30 AM Mass on Saturday, 29th March, and Saturday 12th April in Our Lady Immaculate Church. All are very welcome.
HOLY NAME SOUP LUNCH: Don't forget the Soup Lunch which will be held in the Canon Wilson Hall at Holy Name on Wednesday 26th March at 12.30pm. It is always a pleasant occasion and you are all most welcome.
THIS WEEK'S SECOND COLLECTION : Will be for the work of CAFOD. CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.
ST AUGUSTINE PRESBYTERY MEETING: There will be an update on the way forward with the Presbytery for all on Tuesday 8th April at 7:30pm. If you would like any further items to be included on the agenda, please email the Parish Office.
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS: Take place in Holy Name Church after the 7:30pm Mass on Monday 24th April. All very welcome.
HCPT GROUP RAFFLE: There will be a raffle at St Augustine's Church to raise funds to take disabled and disadvantaged children to Lourdes at Easter. You can buy raffle tickets after Mass on 30th March and 6th April . Thanks in advance for your support!
THANK YOU: To all who have been so kind, and sent well wishes and had Mass Intentions said for my daughter Elaine Larner. I cannot tell you how much your support means to my family. God bless you all. Peggy.
RETREAT IN AYLESFORD PRIORY: The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is holding a Preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday Retreat at Aylesford Priory, Aylesford, Kent on Saturday 26th April 2025 from 10 am to 4:30 pm. The retreat will include teachings on the Message of Divine Mercy, Holy Mass, Hour of Mercy with Stations of the Cross, Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All welcome. Call Millie on 07957594646 for more information.
SVP SOUTH SUDAN APPEAL: A huge thank you once again for your great generosity to the appeal. To date we've raised over £1,613.75 including Gift Aid. A huge response, thank you.
KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA REFUGEE APPEAL: The Knights of St Columba continue to support the refugees based in Wethersfield. They have asked for support from parishioners in collecting the items below which can be left in the churches over the weekends of the 22/23 March, 29/30 March and 5/6 April. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Men’s clothing for younger men (joggers, jeans, coats, trainers, hoodies, sweatshirts, jumpers, t-shirts, long-sleeve tops); no suits please - New underwear and socks only - Rucksacks - Notebooks, pens, and English learning books - Art supplies (drawing pencils and paper) • Playing cards and dominoes.
St Marys Catholic Primary school, Hornchurch - Headteacher.
Director of Education, Brentwood Diocese, Cathedral House.
For further details of these roles and other vacancies across the Diocese https://www.dioceseofbrentwood...
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: The SVP provides practical help to those in need. If you or someone you know could use support, call us confidentially at 0207 7033030, 07936 579230, or contact the Parish Office. For furniture project donations or assistance, call 0330 0436474.
Jim FEENEY (RIP) Requiem Mass on Wednesday 9th April at 11am at Blessed Sacrament Church.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND OF OUR PARISHES, (AND ALL WHO ARE SICK.)Susan Ager, Maureen Byrne, Marie Callahan, Valerie Cummins, Doreen Cornish, Madeleine East, Troy Erickson, Marta Fevola, Mary Fletcher, Michael Hoare, Mike Healy, Shelia Hughes, John Grainger, Robert Godfrey, Connor Hickey, Maureen Leatherdale, Stuart Lucas, Margaret Lowrey, Anne Lowden, Maura Magee, Barry & Shelia Mayo, Sarah & Henry McKeon, Monica McShane, Donny McColl, Grazia Paola, Christine Staines, John Rees, Patrick Waters, Anja Welsh-Smyth, Gayle Williams, Shirley Willis.
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