Newsletter 7th April 2024
APPLICATION FORMS FOR CONFIRMATION 2024. This is now open to all Yr 10 and above or students in year 9 who are currently on the Alpha Course. For more information see the website and letters and application forms available in the back of the Church. Deadline for returns is the 14th April to the Parish Office.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION REPOSITORY GIFTS: are now available in Our Lady Immaculate Church repository to purchase after all Masses on Sundays. There are lovely rosaries, books, gift sets, cards and many other religious items available to buy, for any occasion.
IS GOD CALLING YOU TO PRIESTHOOD? The next “Enquirers’ Evening” for those considering or interested in a vocation to the priesthood is on Tuesday 9 April at Brentwood Cathedral. The speaker will be Fr Joseph Rodrigues. For further information contact Fr Mark Swires:
OPEN LINKED PARISH MEETING: All are invited to a Chelmsford Linked Parish meeting at 7:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate Parish Hall on Wednesday 17th April. There will an opportunity with Fr Martin to (1) Reflect on the way forward for the cross-Chelmsford Parish Partnership. (2) Receive an update on Finance and Buildings across the Chelmsford linked parishes and, (3) Discuss the invitation from Pope Francis to involve all in the Jubilee Year of Prayer in 2025.
SVP FUNDRAISING EVENT: Colourworx Colour and Style Demo. Fantastic opportunity for all to get the inside deal on what colours really flatter your skin tone and make the most of your personal style. Sandra, a Colour and Style Coach will give you the tools and the confidence to look and feel amazing. The 45-minute practical demo will help you understand which colours work best for you so you’ll need to buy less clothes and make more of what you’ve got already in your wardrobe!
The live talk is in OLI Church Hall on Saturday May 11th at 11.15am followed by tea, coffee, cake and a chance to browse and buy accessories. Tickets £8 in advance, £10 on the door. Bring some friends! All proceeds go to the SVP. Apply:
Tickets on sale after 9am and 12 noon masses on April 21st and April 28th in OLI, and 6pm and 10:45am weekend Masses in Holy Name.
HOLY NAME LADIES GROUP would like to thank the Parish for supporting their Easter raffle. A total of £327.00 was raised, which will go towards helping the Youth of our Parish attend the BCYS Pilgrimage to Lourdes in the autumn. Many thanks to all for their support.
REFERENCE REQUESTS: If you require a reference from one of the Priests of the Parish kindly contact them beforehand via the Parish Office.
HEALING DAY RETREAT: with healing service at Clare Priory, Ashen Rd, Clare CO10 8NX. Sunday 21st April. Led by Fr Gladson Dabre OSA & Fr Luke Goymour. Mass, talks, praise and worship, Reconciliation, Adoration, prayer ministry and healing service. Starts 11.30pm / Finish 8.00pm. Bring your own food. Drinks provided. Donations on the day. Please phone Clare Priory to book: 01787 277732. For more information visit:
YOUTH 2000 COME AND SEE: Youth 2000 are running a retreat day for young adults (16-35) on 11th May at Sacred Heart Parish in Wimbledon. It is jam-packed one day event, where people come together as a community of young adults in prayer and friendship. The retreat is an invitation to come as you are, and to come and see who Jesus is and what He can do in your life. The cost £25 and more information can be found at:
MARRIAGE CARE TRUSTEE ROLE: Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage preparation and relationship counselling services across England, Wales and Gibraltar. We are looking for Trustees to strengthen our board and to help us continue to provide vital relationship support services to the Catholic community and beyond. For more information please visit: or email:
THE PRAYER INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS FOR APRIL: FOR THE NEW MARTYRS. We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.
FOR CURRENT VACANCIES IN BRENTWOOD DIOCESE: Please see: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood...
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical help and support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 07876 551150. All calls are completely confidential.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
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