Lenten Lectures in New Hall School and Brentwood Cathedral

Lenten Talks Series - Open to All!

Join us this Lent for a series of inspiring talks as we continue on our shared journey through this Jubilee year. These talks are open to everyone, including parishes, and will be a great opportunity for reflection, discussion, and spiritual growth.

When: Mondays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at New Hall School

Tea & Coffee available before each talk from 6:30

Theme: Pilgrims of Hope & Love of the Stranger

Lenten Talk Dates:

  • 10th March – Fr. Martin Hardy: Pilgrims of Hope
  • 24th March – Mr David Madge: Pilgrims of Paint: A Journey Through The Supper at Emmaus in Art
  • 31th March – Servite Sisters : Mary woman of Sorrows, Woman of Hope.
  • 7th April – Sister Moira O'Sullivan & Sister Margaret Mary Horton CRSS: Finding Hope in Fragile Places
  • 14th April – Dr Paul Thomas: How Science and Religion can support each other and my personal experience of miracles

We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching Lenten experience. Let us gather as pilgrims on a shared journey of faith, hope, and love. See you there!

‘We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire; that is why I have chosen as the motto of the Jubilee, Pilgrims of Hope. This will indeed be the case if we are capable of recovering a sense of universal fraternity and refuse to turn a blind eye to the tragedy of rampant poverty that prevents millions of men, women, young people and children from living in a manner worthy of our human dignity.’

Pope Francis 2024

Lenten Talks in Brentwood Cathedral:

This Lent the talks are a series on the power and significance of the Holy Eucharist in our lives of faith, entitled, “Those who believe, don’t leave.”

Details of the lectures are as follows:

Wednesday 12th March: Brendan Thompson who is the U.K. Programme Director for Word on Fire Ministries. Brendan is a Lay Theologian speaking to thousands of people each year. Brendon is speaking on This is my Body – Eucharistic revival.

Wednesday 19th March:
Fr Philip Caldwell who is a parish priest of the Salford Diocese who taught Theology for many years at Ushaw Seminary before its closure; he writes for the Catholic Truth Society and gives retreats. Fr Philip is speaking on The Eucharist & and the Saints.

Wednesday 26th March: Bishop Alan Williams, our own Bishop of the Diocese, a Marist, former Director of the Shrine in Walsingham, and Bishop of the Diocese for over ten years. A Doctor of Psychology, and the Conference of Bishops’ delegate on many commissions. Bishop Alan is speaking on The Eucharist & Our Blessed Lady.

Wednesday 2nd April: Fr Stephen Morrison (O Praem), Norbertine Parish Priest of Our Lady of Sorrows, Peckham. After studying French at Oxford entered the Norbertine Order. Latin Scholar and speaks several other languages. Gifted preacher. Fr Stephen is speaking on Eucharistic Doctrine in Song: The ‘Lauda Sion’ of St Thomas Aquinas.

The talks will take place in the Cathedral and begin at 7.30pm.