Notices and information from outside the Parish

Run Alpha Catholic Context - Romford

Join the Alpha UK Catholic Context team on Saturday 9th November, 10am-3.30pm at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Romford for a session especially tailored for Catholic parishes to explore Alpha as a tool for evangelisation.

Run Alpha is designed to give you the opportunity to experience sample Alpha sessions, discover how Alpha works in a Catholic parish setting, hear from other parishes already running Alpha, and most importantly to give you space to ask all your questions.

The event is free. Please bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee will be provided. More details about the day can be found in the registration link below.

To register for Run Alpha in Romford please follow this link: Run Alpha – Catholic Context, Romford Tickets, Sat 9 Nov 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

If you have any questions in the meantime please contact Michael Roche at

St. Margaret Clitherow Pilgrimage 26th and 27th October 2024

On 26th and 27th October 2024, there will be a St. Margaret Clitherow themed pilgrimage, we will visit the Shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, visit her relics at the Bar Convent and visit the place of her execution. There will also be other social and devotional activities/talks.

The event is organised by Young Catholic Adults and the Traditional English Association of Catholic History. All ages are welcome. Please come to as much or as little of the pilgrimage as you want. To book onto this FREE pilgrimage please go to:-

  • Northern Shrines of France – Therese of Lisieux, Chartres, Paris. 15 – 22nd October 2024.

Northampton Diocese are widening this tour and inviting priests and people from other dioceses. For more information please see the attached the flyer and use the following link for a booking form .

Bury-St-Edmunds Day of Renewal

9th November 2024 10:00 - 16:30
St Edmund's Church, 21 Westgate Street
Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG

The guest speaker will be Father Paschal Uche from Brentwood Diocese, speaking on the theme of

"Claiming Your Inheritance"

"For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Rom 8:15-17)

What to expect:
Our guest speaker Father Paschal Uche was ordained in 2020 in Brentwood Cathedral. Born in Stratford, East London. His faith journey took him via the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service, to World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney and on to welcome Pope Benedict on the steps of Westminster Cathedral where he shared that he was discerning a vocation to priesthood. He has an excitement for the Priesthood, the intimacy with God in the celebration of mass and the joy that flows into all things from that intimacy.
We hope you will join us to share in Fr Paschal's enthusiasm and passion for God.

The day will start in the crypt at 10am with tea and coffee. There will be praise and worship, inspiring talks, mass (celebrated at midday), adoration and the opportunity to receive reconciliation and prayer ministry.

Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and Coffee will be available.

For more information email: or phone Pam Smith: 07869652115

A Day With Mary at Westminster Cathedral.

A Day With Mary is taking place at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 12 October (9.45am to 5.00pm). Further information is available at or

Day Retreat for Men at Clare Priory

12th October 10am-9pm

"Fight the Good Fight", 1Tim6:12

Led by Fr Gladson Dabre OSA and the Transform Ministries Team

EVENTS | Transform Ministries


2025 will be a Holy Year for the whole church. Pope Francis has invited us to promote the rights of refugees in the Jubilee Year and beyond. On Saturday 12th October from 11 am (coffee available from 10.30) Victoria Firth and Liam Allmark of the Jesuit Refugee Service UK will discuss how we can take up Pope Francis’ invitation. The event will take place at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest in Gidea Park (RM2 6DH). Live participation is encouraged, but the day can also be followed live or accessed later on For those attending, the church is a short walk from Gidea Park station (Elizabeth Line). Easy access from A12 Gallows Corner, and from M25.There is ample car parking space at the church. Refreshments available. Please bring a packed lunch.

Fr Adrian Graffy

Parish priest of Gidea Park

Parish Retreat Day at Sacred Heart Church, St Ives

23rd November

Led by Derek Williams

For more details follow our Facebook page - Catholic Charismatic Renewal - East Anglia or check our website

Catechist Training and Resources Day: Brentwood Ursuline Convent School, Saturday 9th November, 10am-3pm. With guest speakers, new workshops, exciting resources and fresh ideas. Open to anyone working with young people in the Diocese of Brentwood, including First Holy Communion / Confirmation Catechists, Parish Partnership Youth Coordinators and Youth Leaders as well as those who look after the children’s liturgy, especially any young people (16+) who already are or may be interested in working as young leaders and catechists in the parish, and wish to develop their faith further post-confirmation. Please visit for more information on how to reserve your FREE place.

Open House Billericay: Saturday, 12th October 2024: On Saturday, 12th October the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Billericay will be hosting a day focusing on parish renewal with talks and workshops designed to help parishes transition from maintenance to mission. Bishop Alan will also be presiding at the Midday Mass.

Saturday October 12, 2024 • 9:30 AM - 5 PM • The Most Redeemer, 21 Laindon Rd, Billericay, UK • Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan Williams

Imagine what your parish would look like if it started to attract new people, made new disciples and grew in numbers and faith. Is this growth and new life in our Catholic parishes even possible?

We see this question being asked in parishes around the UK. In conjunction with the Diocese of Brentwood Vicariate for Parish Renewal, we'd love to invite you to spend the day with one of these parishes. The Most Holy Redeemer Parish invites you to DR Open House Billericay, a chance to get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation! Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish. Register today!

Get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation. Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish.