Parish Partnership

The current linked parish partnership is an appointed body which acts in an advisory capacity to the Priests of the Parish, who have overall responsibility to the Bishop for the conduct of parish affairs.

A parish priest consults the Linked Parish Council in order to be a better shepherd of his flock. Priests ask their councillors to investigate some aspect of the parish, reflect on it, come to a conclusion and make a recommendation. In brief, the work of the linked parish council is pastoral planning.

Who is on the Parish Council?

The Parish Pastoral Council membership is drawn from across the linked parishes. The current elected chair is Des Kelly. Any items for consideration for the parish council can be directed to him via the Parish Office.

What is the role of the Parish Pastoral Council?

Parish Pastoral Councils are an expression of our shared responsibility and service to our communities; and the role of the PPC should be to:

  • Promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ, and to share in the responsibility for the on-going life and development of our parish communities
  • It also has a very important role in advising and supporting our Clergy

How should the Linked Parish Pastoral Council fulfil its role?

  • By gathering information and by listening to the concerns of parishioners
  • By responding sympathetically to any identified issues
  • By encouraging and supporting existing groups within the parish
  • By supporting parishioners as members of the wider Christian community
  • By planning for the future of the parish by setting achievable pastoral goals

What qualities are required of pastoral councillors?

  • Commitment to Christ and the Church and specifically to our parish communities
  • Openness to listen to concerns and evaluate problems
  • Willingness to work in a team with a positive and hopeful outlook
  • Councillors need sufficient time, energy and reliability both in attendance and in addressing tasks
  • Loyalty both to our clergy and to one another
  • Willingness to serve for a time and then to let go as necessary

What is the process for finding new Parish Pastoral Council members?

We currently have a full Council. While there is no set process for finding new members, a useful method might be for you as a parishioner to propose for consideration either yourself or someone else, whom you feel would fit the above criteria. This can be done by contacting Des Kelly, Chair of the Parish Council via the Parish Office or a Priest of the parish.