First Holy Communion

7th October 2023

Dear Parents,

Welcome. The greatest gift, under God, you can give your child is to help them to grow in the Gospel virtues of faith, hope and love. I am writing now to give you advance information about our Programme for First Communion 2023/24.

Who is the programme for?

The programme is offered to practising Catholic children who live and worship in the parishes of Holy Name, Our Lady Immaculate and St Augustine of Canterbury and who are currently year 3 or above (primary school only). You should be prepared to support your child by ensuring they attend every session and be regularly attending Mass with them. If you live outside our parish please contact your local Parish Priest for permission to join our programme prior to enrolment.

How does the Programme run?

Our Programme involves sessions for both children and for parents. At Baptism you were reminded that you are the first and most important teachers of your child in the ways of faith, we hope very much to help you in this and much of the course will be expected to be delivered with you and your child in the setting of the family home.

There will be nine sessions once/twice a month from November to May for your child between 9:30am to 11am. You and your child will be expected to attend all the sessions each month in order to be considered to have completed the course and be ready to receive Communion. Regular Mass attendance at the weekend is an integral part of the programme. At least one parent per family must attend the sessions. All sessions will take part at the Church of St Augustine of Canterbury, Beardsley Drive, Springfield, CM1 6GQ

This year the First Holy Communion will be celebrated in two ways. Firstly at a Sunday Mass of your choice on one of six Sundays in May and June your child can make their First Holy Communion with their usual worshipping community at their own church. This will provide a calm and spiritual setting for their receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time, and a setting for their continued participation in the Eucharist from the future. Secondly there will be a large celebration for everyone in our three parish communities in the Summer. At this there will be ample room to invite family and friends and the setting will provide easy access, seating, parking and facilities. We hope to provide refreshments and make this a truly memorable and festive occasion for all.

How do I enrol my child?

An Application form (for each child) should be completed and returned to the Priory as soon as possible. Applications cannot be accepted after the closing date of Tuesday 30th October 2023.

A copy of your child's baptism certificate should be attached if they were not baptised at one of our linked parish churches.

This years planned First Holy Communion session dates at St Augustine of Canterbury Church are:

  • Saturday 18th November 2023
  • Saturday 2nd December 2023
  • Saturday 13th January 2023
  • Saturday 27th January 2024 – including First Reconciliation
  • Saturday 10th February 2024
  • Saturday 2nd March 2024
  • Saturday 16th March 2024
  • Saturday 20th April 2024
  • Saturday 11th May 2024

During the first session. You will also be asked to purchase the necessary coursework material and the parents' accompanying course book for each child enrolled.

The cost for materials is £20 per child. Please do contact me personally if you have financial difficulties.

The children will make their first Holy Communion on one of the Sundays between the 19th of May to the 23rd June.

Finally let's all pray that God will bless our journey together to our celebration of First Holy Communion 2024!

With all good wishes,

In Christ,

Fr Damien Wade

Assistant Parish Priest

Programme Dates:

Session one: Saturday 18th November 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session two: Saturday 2nd December 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session three: Saturday 13th January 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session four: Saturday 27th January 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session five: Saturday 10th February 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session six: Saturday 2nd March 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session seven: Saturday 16th March 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session eight: Saturday 20th April 2023 9.30-11.00am

Session nine: Saturday 11th May 2023 9.30-11.00am


18th/19th May

25th/26th May

1st/2nd June

8th/9th June

15th/16th June

22nd/23rd June


To be confirmed.